Camp Discovery
June 20-22, 2025
Camp Discovery is a free weekend respite camp for children with intellectual disabilities hosted by Woodland Christian Camp & Retreat Center. Camp Discovery will be held on the grounds of Woodland at our Heritage Camp. This overnight residential program will provide the opportunity for students to enjoy traditional camp activities in a fun environment and will be led by certified professionals and trained volunteers. Children age 13-25 are welcome to apply.
The individuals who will participate in this camp program will have varying types of intellectual disabilities. These students could have medical diagnoses of down syndrome, cerebral palsy, chromosomal abnormalities, and/or Traumatic Brain injuries. Children with these types of disabilities can also have speech impairments, visual impairments, hearing impairments, and physical limitations, as well as being cognitively delayed. These students need assistance with critical thinking, reasoning, and behavior management. They also have deficits in every day life skills.
For information on how to apply, please visit our Camper Application [+] section.
(770) 562-3103 Office
(770) 562-0067 Fax
c/o Woodland Camp
90 Woodland Camp Rd.
Temple, GA 30179
Staff Leadership
Mandy Anderson
Ashley Sutton
Amanda "Mandy" T. Anderson will serve as the Co-Director for Camp Discovery. Mandy has a B.S. Ed in Mental Retardation from University of West Georgia, She also has Ga Certifications in Early Childhood Education (P-5), Special Education Adapted Curriculum (P-12), Special Education Deaf Education (P-12), Special Education General Curriculum (P-12), Special Education Learning Disabilities (P-12), and Special Education Cognitive Levels (P-5) in Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Mandy is completing her 17th year in teaching and has worked with all grade levels. She has taught all types of learners including students with Autism, Intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavior disabilities, Learning disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and students who are deaf/hard of hearing. She currently works as the Instructional Coordinator for Special Education at Carrollton High School and the Deaf/Hard of Hearing teacher for Carrollton City Schools.
Mandy and her husband, Mark, have been married for 22 years. They have 3 children - Rachael 19, Ryan 17 and Riley 14. Mandy attended Woodland as camper throughout her entire childhood. She also served as a camp counselor for more than 25 years. Mandy says that her years at Woodland were "some of the best times of my life."
Ashley Sutton will also serve as the Co-Director for Camp Discovery. Ashley is originally from Birmingham, AL. After graduating from Clay-Chalkville High School, she became a camp counselor at Camp ASCCA (Alabama Special Camp for Children and Adults). During her five years at Camp ASCCA, she found her love and passion for camp and for working with individuals with disabilities.
Ashley attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and later transferred to the University of West Georgia, where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education. She began working at Carrollton High School in 2015 as a Teacher and Community Based Instructor. Go Trojans! In 2017, Ashley received her certification to become a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments and in 2018, graduated with a Masters Degree in Special Education Adapted Curriculum from Georgia Southern University. Ashley is "overjoyed to be part of this camp experience! Camp Discovery is is going to be a wonderful therapeutic recreation experience for students in the West Georgia area and I am so excited to enjoy the magic of camp again."
Woodland Christian Camp, the host organization for Camp Discovery, was established in 1969. Woodland has a long history of establishing programs that have great impact on youth and assist families in our community. The Camp Discovery and Woodland Camp staff are super excited about this special program! Certified and specially trained volunteers will lead activities and supervise all recreational and programming activities. A medical team will be on site for the duration of the program. All volunteers are thoroughly screened and must submit to background checks and attend mandatory training.
What will my child do at camp? Campers participate in many typical camp activities, such as swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, games, camp songs with s’mores, and a high ropes challenge course (such as Zip Line and Giant Swing). All activities will be age appropriate to interest any type of camper.
What is the cost to attend? Camp Discovery is no cost to the attending families/youth. Camp Discovery's ability to meet the need is based on donations from individuals, camper families, corporations, grants and civic organizations.
How do I apply for a child to attend camp? You must complete a camper application. As a part of the application process, a Camp Discovery representative may contact you to talk about your child. After reviewing the application, our staff will determine if Camp Discovery can meet the needs of your child. If your application is approved, you will be sent an email of your child’s acceptance. If Camp Discovery is unable to meet your child’s needs (or if the program becomes full), we will contact you.
How will my child be supervised throughout the weekend? Campers are under constant supervision. Each camper is paired with a Big Buddy adult volunteer and always has at least two adults in his/her presence. Camp Discovery staff are also present throughout the camp weekend. At night, campers stay in cabins with their Big Buddy as well as other campers and Big Buddies in their group.
Where will my child sleep? Boys and girls bunk in separate Heritage Cabins on the grounds of Woodland Christian Camp. Cabins are equipped with bunk-style beds. The cabins have HVAC and interior bathrooms. There are always staff in the cabin when campers are present.
My child has a special diet; can you accommodate this? Unfortunately, manufacturers don't list all food ingredients on our packaging, so we err on the side of safety. Campers with food allergies or special dietary needs can bring their own food or additional items to supplement with our menu. Guests with strict dietary requirements will have access to a refrigerator/freezer and microwave in the dining room. All food should be stored in a bag/container and labeled with your child's name. Volunteer staff will be available for assistance.
Can I call to check on my child while he/she is at camp? Campers and staff will be so busy having fun, there's no time to call! If a question or need arises, or if your child becomes homesick, you will be contacted. No news is good news!
Are the campers provided with a list of items to bring with them or is everything provided? We provide a list of items campers need to bring with them to camp. A packing list is included with the camper acceptance packet we send once your child is accepted.
What if a camper does not have the items required to attend a camp? We will do our best to provide sleeping bags, pillows and various toiletries if needed. Please make arrangements in advance.
Is transportation provided to the camp? Can it be provided if not available? We ask that parents/guardians provide transportation for their children. Travel assistance may be available, based on need. Please contact us in advance if you think you will need assistance.
We appreciate you taking the time to provide as much information as possible. The application assists us in providing the best possible experience for your child at camp. This information is shared only with Camp Discovery staff.
CAMPER APPLICATION (available 2/28/25)
Submitting a Camper Application: Once you have submitted an application, you will receive an automated confirmation email. While we understand the application may take a fair amount of time, it is important for us to have as much information as possible about your child.
Follow-up: We may contact you with additional questions after you submit the application. This will help us set your child up for success throughout his/her camp weekend.
Accepted Camper: All applications are reviewed by our staff. You will be notified via email if your application has been approved. This will be easily identifiable, as the subject of the email will be "Camp Discovery - Camper Acceptance Packet." It is important for you to read this email in its entirety because it is filled with information about camp and contains paperwork that must be completed prior to your child attending the camp session.
VOLUNTEER Application Request & Referral Form
(Camper application located above)
Camp Discovery is powered by a tremendous group of volunteers. Certified and specially trained volunteers lead and supervise all activities. Volunteers at Camp Discovery should anticipate a rewarding camp experience. However, because the role can sometimes be strenuous, we expect that any person volunteering will have the ability to supervise and provide safety for our campers. All volunteers are thoroughly screened and must submit to background checks and attend mandatory training.
Make a Donation
There are many ways to support Camp Discovery in our community: as an individual donor, via in-kind donation, through fundraising, or as a corporate partner. Below are a few examples of how the children attending Camp Discovery will benefit from your donation.
$50 - Bronze Level: Helps fund take-home gifts for campers (Camp Discovery bears, T-shirts, etc.)
$100 - Silver Level: Helps fund support services and supplies (art supplies, recreation and activity supplies, etc.)
$250 - Gold Level: Funds Camper scholarships ($250 per Camper)
$10,000 - Platinum Level: Funds up to 40 campers or one full session of camp for children
Donate on-line [+] or mail a check to the Woodland Camp office (90 Woodland Camp Rd. Temple, GA 30179). Checks can be made out to Woodland Camp with "Camp Discovery" on the memo.
For more information on corporate partnership and specific sponsorship opportunities, please contact Woodland Christian Camp & Retreat Center at 770-562-3103. Woodland Christian Camp, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Funds given to Camp Discovery should be marked Camp Discovery, Woodland Christian Camp.
Driving from Atlanta
Woodland Camp is located 40 miles west of Atlanta on I-20. Take I-20 West to Temple, Exit 19. Turn left onto Highway 113 South. Travel 1.3 miles to Lovell Road. Turn right on Lovell Road. Go 1 mile to Woodland Camp Road and turn left. The camp entrance will be on the left after 200 yards.
Driving from Birmingham
Take I-20 East to Temple, Georgia Exit 19. Turn right onto Highway 113 South. Travel 1.3 miles to Lovell Road. Turn right on Lovell Road. Go 1 mile to Woodland Camp Road and turn left. The camp entrance will be on the left after 200 yards.
Driving from Carrollton
From the junction of Highways 27 and 113, take Highway 113 North for 8 miles (just before mile marker #8) to Lovell Road. Turn left on Lovell Road. Go 1 mile to Woodland Camp Road and turn left. The camp entrance will be on the left after 200 yards.
Contact Us
Camp Discovery
c/o: Woodland Christian Camp
90 Woodland Camp Road,
Temple, GA 30179
Office: 770.562.3103
Fax: 770.562.0067